Feeling like you lost your spark, your joy, your will to live?
Maybe your life just got turned upside down and you lost all perspective.
Or you have the feeling you need to turn your life upside down in order to thrive again but you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?
Maybe you bear the burdens of life for far too long now and ask yourself, when is my turn to have a happy and fulfilled life?
Or you just have this deep, silent feeling that you haven’t reached your full potential yet.
More than often this is the result of a life lived by default in the programming of our surroundings; a life lived in re-action.
What if?
What if it didn't have to be that way?
What if your life, as you feel it calling deep inside you, were possible?
What if you could easily find your way there with the right knowledge for the situation, the right tools and your inner compass?
Would you dare? Would you dare to make the journey to the center of the I?
It would be the greatest and most valuable adventure you would ever embark on.
Your Gain:
The freedom of intuitive living.
Being able to just be, supported by the patterns of conscious, consistent and purposeful habits.
The Art of Nature
Everywhere in the universe we encounter patterns, for example in the form of cycles. These bring a certain predictability to the system. We thereby gain a certain safeness in our existence that makes it easier for us to get into the flow state. We do not have to concentrate so much on the mundane. This gives us more freedom to grow, transform, heal and create something new - in ourselves and in our environment. Life becomes magical and beautiful.
Please remember to mark the date in your calendar and set a reminder.
You are booking:
3 hours 1:1 coaching and accompaniment in everyday life
- Hour - Evaluate the status quo, lay the foundation and direction for the common journey.
- Hour - You determine what it is that you want and we work to find the strategy that gets you closer to your goal.
- Hour - You try out how it feels to evaluate yourself and measure yourself against yourself and your outcome. We discuss adjustments in strategy, beliefs, motivations, if needed, so that you can not only change but heal, learn and grow in your daily life.
Between appointments, I will give guidance via the messenger of your choice.
A certified and state-approved therapist with over 20 years of professional experience in various fields, e.g.
- School/kindergarten and day care centre for children and young people with special needs
- A private rehabilitation centre for predominantly neurological and psychosomatic patients with various challenges (car and motorbike accidents, cardiac arrest, stroke, brain injuries, psychosomatic pain, trauma of various kinds, Parkinson's disease, ALS, MS, war veterans, etc. and in the centre's intensive care unit).
- Summer camp for children and young people
- In the closed, forensic ward of a psychiatric hospital
- A gerontological psychiatric day centre
- A psychiatric hospital
- A general hospital
- In my private practice
An empathic, altruistic, intentional and self-experienced travel companion on your journey to the centre of your SELF and your Self-Determination.
- I was born into a totalitarian, dictatorial regime and a highly controlling, high demand doomsday cult. This made my family a minority persecuted by the state, as I was born and raised in Romania as a Jehovah's Witness.
- Ich habe schwere Gewalt in der Kindheit und verbalen, mentalen und emotionalen Missbrauch und Gaslighting er- und überlebt.
- As a teenager, my family and I moved to a completely different culture and political system, so my parents were even less able to help me make the most important decisions in life than they would have been in the system they were familiar with.
- Having spent 40 years of my life in constant survival mode, I know many of the emotional, mental and physical symptoms of trauma syndrome from my own (painful) experience - including suicidal thoughts, self-harming acts, eating disorders, organ failure.
- After leaving the cult, I had to completely reorganise myself and my life, as I had lost all my friends and part of my family. My belief system and the meaning of my life was shaken to its foundations and many things I used to believe to be true now seemed like a big lie.
- I had to come clean with myself and forgive myself for living this big lie for so long, even though I had felt for a long time that something was wrong.
- I had to come clean with many people around me and forgive them and learn to set boundaries in a healthy, loving and respectful way.
- as a mother of 4 homeschooled children, I have worked very consciously and systematically on myself as not to pass on the trauma that was inflicted on me butrather to give my kids tools to assess themselves, regulate themselves and determine for themselves how they want to be, what they want to becom and how they want to live their lives.
From my own personal experience and my knowledge as a therapist, I have developed a 5-step cycle system that I work with in each category of my own life to heal myself, to feel, to determine (what it is that I want or want to be), to understand (through doing, experiencing and feeling) and to grow (beyond my limiting beliefs, my pains, my fears, etc.; beyond myself).
I share this system, which has helped me and many of my clients, with you.
My Premise
Hurt people hurt people, healed people heal people.
I assist, guide and support you in connecting your own dots and thus find your own inner red thread by helping you
- (re)discover your inner authentic self, your inner voice, your own Northstar or as I call it the Home Button.
- learn to see and understand your trauma and to work through and understand what you have experienced in order to reclaim and refraim your SELF and your life.
- focus the light of your consciousness on what you really want and thus develop a vision for yourself and your life.
- learn tools to develop a strategy that will help you reach your goal, even when faced with challenges.
- to learn how to grow from your experiences and challenges so that new trauma does not occur that easily.
It is thanks to this system, among other things, that I was able to continue and live even when my suicidal thoughts were my daily and constant companion.
You will receive (among other things):
- Ein A system to have your life under control and to go through life self-determined and sovereign. um Ihr Leben im Griff zu haben und selbst bestimmt und souverän durchs Leben zu gehen.
- A guide that you can apply to each of the 12 areas of life. With it you will work out your life vision into tangible, living and everyday habits, goals and beliefs.
- Various templates, tried and tested over many years in everyday life, for organising yourself, evaluating, reflecting, etc. In this way you can create a foundation for yourself, so that as soon as you feel ready, you can further develop and fine-tune your life vision completely on your own and independently (even of me).
- Tools that enable you, for example, to regulate your nervous system, define your beliefs and uncover and realistically replace hidden beliefs, understand time management, energy management, etc.
- Support and guidance that is completely geared to your nature and personality.
My Premise
I change my life by changing my daily habits.
My Stake:
I put my whole existence, my whole mind, heart and being on the line - everything I am is imbued with the thought, feeling and desire to show people how liberating, beautiful and miracle-full a self-determined life is, if you go about it purposefully, with humour, lightness and full commitment and perseverance.
I feel every person I accompany. I feel their pain, their joy, their excitement, their experiences, their worries, hardships and fears. Therefore, I very consciously and intentionally schedule the appointments so that I am mentally, emotionally and also physically open, fresh and powerful for each of my clients.
I prepare myself for you before the interview and continue to work on your case for quite a while after we have stopped talking so that, from the many options I have available as a therapist, I can work out a programme specifically for you.
Only in this way can I fully engage with you and accompany you in a truly effective way.
My deepest wish and request to you is therefore, that you really ask yourself before you book me, whether you really are ready for the profound changes my coaching can trigger in you and your life.
Your Stake:
I would like to see at least the same commitment from you, FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. After all, it is your life and the quality of your life that is at stake. From my own experience I can assure you - the effort to go the extra mile in this area is very worthwhile - and you are not going alone after all, I will accompany you.
The Price:
For this coaching and therapy program, tested in everyday life, personally tailored, prepared in hours and hours of hard work, put together with a lot of personal effort and intention, you only pay today 818 Euro.
The next steps:
After you have found a date that suits you and have entered the necessary data, you will be redirected to PayPal, where you secure the date with the above mentioned amount.
Afterwards you (and I) will receive a confirmation email.
Please check your spam folder if you do not see the email in your inbox promptly.
I will then email you some questions to think about and prepare for our first meeting. There we will also agree on which medium (Skype, Zoom etc) our first conversation should take place.
On the date you and I have arranged, I will contact you via the arranged medium and together we will start the journey to the centre of your authentic SELF.
.I look forward to seeing you - Yours, Bianca Bultoc