About Me

I am ME

& everything else does not define WHO I am but describes what I have experienced, what I like to do and how I see the world; it may explain some things - though not enough ;)

》Mother to 4 children
》Occupational therapist & Life Coach
》I survived & processed physical violence, mental and emotional abuse in childhood
》I experienced political persecution
》Migrant background
》Built up wholesaling from scratch, new product launch and brand building with international trade fair appearances, branding, dealer acquisition etc and lost it all
》survived & mastered the exiting of a high control, high demand cult
(life gave me lots of lemons, so I made lemonade out of them and now I have so much lemonade left that I can give some away;)
》Music & Film Lover
》crazy about art
》Rhymes are the language of my soul
》Learning languages makes me happy
》My main languages are German, English, Romanian (mother tongue, heart language, father tongue).
》I like it when things are brought together that dosen't fit together at first sight, like in the song >Paradis Perdus< by Christine and the Queens.
》Love to cook & bake
》Spices & herbs are also for incense, not just for cooking
》Water dogs are dear to my heart and I hope to adopt one someday.
》I live with 9 cats, peacocks and some hens where fox and deer say good night to each other.
》I love driving in my car and listen to loud music
》Daydreaming & meditation help me find solutions when logic fails me
》I can't decide between the sea and the forest
》I find peace in the deafening silence of a waterfall
》Science fascinates me very much
》As the daughter of a hobby watch repairer, I have a keen sense of detail & the big picture at the same time
》Watermelon whether fresh or fermented could be my staple food
》Coffee with protein powder was my staple food for over a year because I kept nothing else out of sheer mental and cognitive dissonance which was reflected in multiple physical symptoms up to and including acute and complete kidney failure.
》I firmly believe that we are and hold the key to everything in our lives.
》and so much more adn more that is still hidden even from myself, just waiting to be discovered by me - who’s with me living life with a twist?

An interview that gives insight into my life and my personal experience with leaving a cult I was born into.

Where I love to be most - in nature, alone with my thoughts and feelings ...
Some experiences from my personal life that influence my work:
  • I was born into a totalitarian, dictatorial regime and a highly controlling, high demand doomsday cult. This made my family a minority persecuted by the state, as I was born and raised in Romania as a Jehovah's Witness.
  • I have experienced and survived severe childhood violence and verbal, mental and emotional abuse and gaslighting.
  • As a teenager, my family and I moved to a completely different culture and political system, so my parents were even less able to help me make the most important decisions in life than they would have been in the system they were familiar with.
  • Having spent 40 years of my life in constant survival mode, I know many of the emotional, mental and physical symptoms of trauma syndrome from my own (painful) experience - including suicidal thoughts, self-harming acts, eating disorders, organ failure.
  • After leaving the cult, I had to completely reorganise myself and my life, as I had lost all my friends and part of my family. My belief system and the meaning of my life was shaken to its foundations and many things I used to believe to be true now seemed like a big lie.
  • I had to come clean with myself and forgive myself for living this big lie for so long, even though I had felt for a long time that something was wrong.
  • I had to come clean with many people around me and forgive them and learn to set boundaries in a healthy, loving and respectful way.
  • as a mother of 4 homeschooled children, I have worked very consciously and systematically on myself as not to pass on the trauma that was inflicted on me butrather to give my kids tools to assess themselves, regulate themselves and determine for themselves how they want to be, what they want to becom and how they want to live their lives
A few key points and stops from my professional career in which I was able to gather my experience
  • School/kindergarten and day care centre for children and young people with special needs
  • Private rehabilitation centre for predominantly neurological and psychosomatic patients with various challenges (car and motorbike accidents, cardiac arrest, stroke, brain injuries, psychosomatic pain, trauma of various kinds, Parkinson's disease, ALS, MS, war veterans, etc. and in the centre's intensive care unit).
  • Summer camp for children and young people
  • Closed, forensic medicine department of a psychiatric hospital
  • gerontopsychiatric day care centre
  • psychiatric hospital
  • general hospital
  • my private practice