Work Ethik

My work is aimed at all those who desire altruistic, empathic, self-experienced and intentional guidance in their personal development, reorganization, reorientation or even in crisis situations.

As a state-certified occupational therapist, I offer services, consultation and guidance that, according to the occupational therapy professional definition, aims to bring people into their personal power and strengthen their self-competence on all three main levels of human existence. (Body, Mind & Soul aka. Physis, Cognition, Emotion).

Occupational therapists advise, support and accompany people who, due to congenital or acquired challenges, are unable to organize and live their daily lives as independently as they would like or could under normal circumstances. Occupational therapists show possibilities, offer aids and give courage when all the effort seems hopeless.

They advise relatives, help to rearrange the living or working space and help to (re)build everyday structures, if necessary and to consolidate them, if desired.

Since my way of working can only be successful by definition if I approach it very holistically, I like to compare my work with the work of a watchmaker or restorer.

You have to see the big picture to be able to puzzle the individual pieces together properly but you can't lose sight of the individual pieces if you want to build the big picture the way it is intended or desired.

Thus, it is part of my work to conduct an intensive initial interview in order to be able to determine the big picture as accurately as possible. This first impression is structured, organized, adjusted and refined again and again during the collaboration. In everyday life, individual steps are scrutinized, taken apart, cleaned, oiled or replaced if necessary (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Learning to clearly recognize and name behaviors, thought patterns, fears, feelings, everyday situations, learning to understand how one functions, how to find out what one really wants and understanding how to consciously change or completely replace it, is one of the core areas of my work.

How filigree and interconnected body, mind and soul are interwoven, how much the human being is more than the sum of its parts, that I can only express in the words of my father, who repaired and restored watches and electronic devices with passion.

Er sagte immer zu mir: „wenn du genau hinhörst, hört jede Uhr sich anders an, jede Uhr hat ihr eigenes Ticken, ihren eigenen Herzschlag, ihren eigenen Geist, ihre eigene Seele; auch wenn die meisten Uhren dem gleichen AufbauPrinzip folgen, so ist JEDE Uhr einzigartig, du musst dir nur die Zeit und die Ruhe nehmen um das Feingefühl zu entwickeln es zu hören, es zu merken.“

This point of view, which I was able to observe and learn from my parents, is the basis for my thinking, acting and feeling, for my dealings with everything and everyone I encounter in life, and is thus the foundation and common thread of my life.

If you feel I could refine my big picture through your details and guide you to see and feel your big picture better and to get to know and name your details better, then book me as your personal coach or visit my social media presence and get an idea of my way of seeing the world.

Here are some key points of my work.

You will definitely know and feel if a cooperation makes sense for you or means an added value.

Thank you for your time, curiosity and interest in my work.

Bianca Bultoc